Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My non-technical appraisal of different big turbo options for the MkIV GTI

Greetings.  :D
As usual, I had a weird realization that was deserving of a post.  There was a thread on ECE that was talking about different turbo options for a MkIV GTI.  When the topic of a certain turbo came up, I just had to comment.  I have to get one just for the name alone.  :D
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

This comment is totally unrelated to any performance issues with different turbos.

There is a HUGE coolness benefit to having a turbo with the nickname "Disco Potato".

Girl that you'd normally have no chance scoring with: "What's that under your hood?"
You: "Its a disco potato."
Girl that you'd normally have no chance scoring with: "Take me now!"



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