Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What do we miss by reading

Hey peeps!
Welcome to your daily dose of spam from me. :D 
I was marooned in a book store a few days ago and picked up the VeloNudes buyer's guide for the hell of it.  I'd gotten away from reading the print version since I spend a little time reading the .com version almost every day.  I kinda ejoyed the experience, so I bought it.  I really don't spend much time reading buyer's guides.  There just isn't enough space to give a bike its due in the little paragraph snippets.  It is an interesting way to find frame builders that you didn't know existed though.  I kinda liked that. 
Primus Mootry is one.  The guy went to school in boulder at a time when big-name bikes were getting stolen a lot.  He put a sticker that said "Primus Mootry" on the lugged steel frame that he'd made himself so that no-one would bother stealing it.  He recently was asked by a messanger to not put stickers on the bike because his name is now well known in the area enough that thieves look for them to steal. 
Crisp Titanium is pretty cool too.  The web site is really cool too... though it is so cool that it is FUCKING ANNOYING!!!  Pardon my french. :D
The offspring of Faliero Masi is back at it again.  I don't know what Pops would think, but there are some cool bikes in there.  The new 3V looks pretty cool.  I'm not sure how long Masi has been back making frames.   I remember when they stopped.  I think they even gave up the name rights for a while. 
The other cool thing about this issue is that there are a number of factory tours of different frame builders.  They tour some small, one-man shops like Primus Mootry and also take a walk through Specialized. 
I'm part way through reading the issue, but thought I'd share what I found.
Hugs and kisses to you all.

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