Friday, May 27, 2005

My Purple Furry Breast Implant.

Okay, you thought the last post was weird????

I found this great toy and it is definitely a must buy item. I don't remember what the thing is called. I was having so much fun with it, that I threw the packaging that it came in away. I'm gonna have to go back and buy more though. This thing is totally cool. I got it at my favorite toy store, Doodlehopper for Kids in Falls Church, Virginia.

The thing is totally stretchy and it has a hole in it. That makes it great for playing with and if you're a pervert, it opens up all kinds of new possibilities for you.

Also interesting for perverts is that it feels EXACTLY like a breast implant (thus the title of this blog entry). Let me clarify that. It feels like a silicone breast implant that hasn't been installed yet. It is softer and feels better than a saline implant and it feels better than either after they've been installed, though the addition of a nipple and skin are added bonuses that this toy can't really match up with. I'm not going to go there though.

This thing is really fun to play with. It bounces and makes funny noises when you toss it up and catch it. You can stretch it and pull it over your head and it makes you look like you've got a bald purple head with spikey green hair. I'll post that up next. If you turn it inside out, you can use it as a purple bald wig. We all need one of those.

I guess that's it for now. I know you can't wait for the hair photos, so I need to get those uploaded.


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