Friday, April 22, 2005

Arriving in Fruita....

We finally got here at noon as we went to the grocery store. I ran in, got water, apples and batteries. We headed out to the trails. We rode Rustler’s loop and Horsethief bench. The ride was perfect. We’d driving 3400 miles, lept for 4 hours and then went for an 11 mile ride pretty fast. Sounds extreme to me. :D

Ride was cut a little short because J had a problem with his shock mount. The rear shock was sliding to the side on the mount. I did a home depot fix for it. It’ll hold for a while. J is checking to see if he can find an Intense dealer in Moab, Grand Junction or St. George to get the dang thing fixed for real.

My local treasure moment of the day happened when I went shopping for apples and water. I was just going through self checkout and the grocery store lady came up to see if I needed help. When she finally figured out that I was doing okay, she decided to suggest a sale. In her own words…. “Ice and Firewood are very popular with people like you.” Bwahhahahahhahahaha She was being helpful. She was being polite. The words “people like you” let me know that I was a freaking alien to you. She didn’t mean it in a mean way. I didn’t take it in a mean way. I just thought it was really funny. She wasn’t very comfortable with me.

This brings up the question, what exactly was she talking about when se said "People like you"???? Here are my guesses...

1. People who don't bathe
2. People with more earings than her.
3. People who appear to be wearing alternate undergarments (the straps of my bib shorts were hanging out).

I'm open to suggestions if you can come up with something that she might have been talking about.

Home, Dinner, Fix bike, Sleep.

As a side note, Jason ate 7 White Castles around 1pm on April 21st. They did not make any attempt to leave his body until mid morning on April 23rd. What exactly were they doing in there all that time????

White Castles... the other beige meat. ;)


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