Those of you who know me are familiar with the problems I've had with my wrist over the last few years. Basically it was badly abused in my youth and has in recent years caused me a lot of pain. I've been working on making it better for a while. I've been told by those much smarter than I that at some point it will probably just pop and I'll either get more or less mobility.
That happened yesterday during the ride at EF. I was jingling through a big rock garden when I heard my wrist pop. It hurt like hell for a moment, but by the time I got through the rock garden, it was back to feeling normal.... better than normal, in fact. I now can move my wrist in a direction that it hasn't gone in years. Read into that what you like. ;)
Badly abused your wrist in your youth, eh?
Nah. Its been broken 5 times though. :D
Broken 5 times? Is that like a form of personal S&M?!
I am putting the last two posts together
are you saying your wrist is strained from excessive masturbation?
I went over the bars at gambril
and for years my wrist was a bit off
I thin it popped
but I forget when
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