Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Psychological self medication....

It has been an interesting few weeks. My blog entries have been a bit sparce of late because I don't write well when I'm feeling down. Not that I'm freaking Bill Shakespear when I'm feeling great or anything.

I decided to try some self medication today. They say music can have a big impact on your psyche (I dated a girl named Psyche once... She lived up to her name). My experiment today was to listen to a particular kind of music all day and see how it affected my mood. I wanted to test and see exactly how things work out.

I wanted it to be something very dramatic. My goal was to push the envalope a little. I borrowed some Japanese pop music from a friend. WOW this stuff is interesting. I've actually really enjoyed listening to what can best be described as bubblegum love songs in Japanese. It has been going for 8 hours now, and I'm definitely feeling something.

If I go apeshit tonight and hack up the entire night ride, please tell my wife that I love her.

Hugs and Kisses,


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