Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The dog ate my homework

Well not really.  Mao did eat my keyboard though! 
Well not really.  He chewed through the cord so the keyboard doesn't work anymore though. 
That part is true.
I was typing something Monday night and all of a sudden the keyboard goes dead.  No lights on the "num lock" and no keys are working.  Suspecting the worst, I call out "MAO!!!!" to which he responds "MAO" from underneath my desk.  That is a little human/cat schtick that we have.  I don't seem to mind it as long as it doesn't cost me too much to fix whatever he's chewed, or it is too hard to clean up whatever he's eaten after it shows up in the cat box a day later. 

1 comment:

gwadzilla said...

my dog roscoe used to sit at my feet while I sat at the computer
my keyboard had a USB estension that he used to lie right down upon

it happened so often that even my wife knew to all him out for a second so things could be reconnected

then back under the desk
right at the feet