Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A comment on the quality writing you'll find in my Blog

I just had an interesting conversation with my friend Jason.  We were comparing reading someone's blog to talking to someone in person.  Lets just say there are a lot of similarities. 
I think this is particularly true with my blog.  Here's why I say that...
I often send myself e-mails to remind me to do things or spark an idea for a project that I know I'm going to work on later.  Other than matrimonial bliss, e-mail is the one constant in my life.  I always write it, I always get it.
I had an idea for my blog that I wanted to write, but can't from work because it is pornographic.  The IT guys would have too much fun with that. 
So I sent a reminder to myself with a few ideas for something I want to write later... something I'll have to research extensively.  Wouldn't you know it?  My spam blocker wouldn't let the e-mail through.  Bwahahahhahahahaha   I guess I'll be riting that one on my rosey palm.  :P
Have a nice day.

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