Sunday, February 20, 2005

Greenbrier State Park and Museuming.

Oy peeps.

Yesterday's ride at Greenbrier was amazing. There were at least three big rides going on at the same day... one of them wasn't one that is often ridden by folks in the club. In spite of that, we had a pretty good turnout for the Greenbrier ride.

As we often do, Jason, Wayne and I showed up early for a lap or two. We only had time for one lap. I'm glad we only did one lap. The one we did was really fast for us. We completed the whole lap in 52 minutes. That sort of set the tone for the rest of the ride... but not in a good way.

I felt pretty good up the red climb on the first lap of the group ride. I felt great as we topped the ridge and started down the orange. When we started up the Copperhead trail towards the blue trail, the trouble started. Jason and I both started falling back. J asked if I was Mr. Cliffbar. I said I had one left that I'd split with him. It took until the blue climb for it to kick in for him. It took till half way up the blue climb for it to kick in for me.

The third time up the rock garden trail and log crossings was tough, but I made it. I stopped a few times.

I need to find a better way to eat when it is cold out. My body doesn't want to eat when it is like that. I'll experiment with that.

For photos, you can click here.

Laura and I went to the National Gallery today to see a few exhibits that I'd been wanting to for ages. Both had actually closed. I was bummed, but we looked at some post impressionist paintings and some cool sculpture by Alexander Calder. I'll post up photos of that later tonight.

Talk to you later.



gwadzilla said...

try the gel and goo products
I think the body may break them down easier....
if nothing else when you need your mouth to take in air you are not wasting your energy chewing....

once I was talking to Charlie, one of the City Bikes Shop owners,and he refered to their logo as being Calder-esque
or something to that effect
I just like adding ESQUE to everything

Your Name Here said...

I've used gel before. It works great for me in the summer. I can't palate it in the winter though. It comes right back up. I have serious issues taking in calories when it is colder out.

I need to invest in some liquid that carries better calories than Gatorade.

Oddly enough, the best food that I've found when it is cold out is a bagel. It goes down and stays down.

Thanks for the info.
