Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Stop reading here...

One of my favorite authors starts his first book with these wise words:

"If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book. In this book, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning and ver few happy things in the middle."

This could easily be said about my blog. In all good conscience I connot recommend that you read any further. I suggest that you find someone else's blog to read and enjoy... someone with something intelligent or insightful to say. That certainly isn't me.

Well since you obviously ignored that advice, you must be punished. This web site ought to be sufficient to cause pain and suffering.

Have a nice day. I'm sure I'll post something much worse than this later today.


DT said...

Is that Douglas Adams? Sounds like something from the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, which were hilarious. They have an old school online game of it somewhere, which is funny in it's own right.

Your Name Here said...

The quote comes from a writer of children's books that are popular these days. That's also where the "Unfortunate Series of Events" name comes from for my blog. The books are about three orphans that have a miserable life and stumble from one horrible situation to another.

I love Douglas Adams' books. I remember the game. There's something twisted enough about the way he writes that makes every book a page turner.

Later DT. See you on the trails.
